Beth Runs!

After sitting on my butt all winter, knitting and watching Craig Ferguson into the wee hours, it's time to get up, get out, and move!!!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Hobble through the tulips...

...and God bless us everyone. That's a picture of me yesterday, from the 1911 edition of A Christmas Carol. I went back in time and posed for it. See, I just wanted my arms to be as sore today as my legs were yesterday. (Ever tried going up stairs on crutches? It helps to go backwards.) You think maybe I wasn't ready to run on Sunday after all?

Today I'm sore, but at least I'm no longer feeling that putting weight on my knee will cause it to snap right out from under me. I left the crutches home, but read the following article from last week's New York Times: Is Marathoning Too Much of a Good Thing for Your Heart? I e-mailed my doctor to request a spiral CT scan. He hasn't responded yet.

I'm in competition with my sister Ellen for the most doctor visits in a year. She's having a hysterectomy and blogging about it: She gets her second Lupron shot a few days before coming to Florida to cheer me in my marathon (assuming I don't hack off my legs with a chainsaw before then.) Crazy times!



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