Beth Runs!

After sitting on my butt all winter, knitting and watching Craig Ferguson into the wee hours, it's time to get up, get out, and move!!!

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Rule #1: Get in the Porta-Potty line as often as possible

We drove to Epcot and only had to turn around once. (Have I mentioned how #$%&*@ confusing the highways are here?)

Ellen and Fran helped with last minute preparations and showed the first of 3 signs they made to cheer me on!

Then, as John Bingham advises, I got in the porta-potty line again and again until it was time to line up. I need to stay hydrated, but any fluid in my bladder is just going to cause trouble.

Here are a couple of camera-phone videos before the start of the race. During the race, I forgot all about taking pictures, as I was too preoccupied with SURVIVING!



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