Pi: Faith in Chaos (1998)

Date of first viewing: Saturday, March 01, 2003

Location: Home, with Michael
Format: DVD

I LOVED this movie. I'll have to add it to my favorites list when I make one. It's freaky weird, and the black and white style reminds me of another freaky weird movie that I enjoyed called The American Astronaut. It's one of those movies where you just have to go along with the premise and trust that the film will be faithful to its own crazy logic. IMDB.com describes it thus: "Dark, hyperkinetic movie about a paranoid mathematician searching for a key number which will unlock the universal patterns found in nature." In many ways this movie also reminded me thematically of the book, Bee Season, even though the two are very different in style and tone. Still, the ending of Pi is like the ending of Bee Season taken to the extreme.


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